ANTCC President seeks for Appointment of Male Doctors and Monthly visits of Specialist Doctors at the CHCs of North & Middle Andaman

Port Blair, June 09: In a letter addressed to the Director, DHS, A & N Administration, The ANTCC President Mr. Rangalal Halder has highlighted issues concerning the unavailability of healthcare services in the Community Health Centers of Rangat and Diglipur, North & Middle Andaman.

He said that the patients were facing numerous challenges to acquire their basic amenities due to the shortage of male doctors and infrequent visits of specialist doctors at the Community Health Centers of North & Middle Andaman.

He mentioned that there is a growing demand for male doctors at the CHCs to cater the comfort and cultural preferences to ensure equitable access to medical care and accommodate the needs of the patients.

He stated that due to the limited number of specialist doctors and infrequent visits on CHCs, the patients are traveling to Port Blair to cater the specialized treatment care.

Mr. Halder has suggested a monthly visit system of the specialist doctors in all CHCs to enhance the accessibility of specialized medical care and to alleviate the burden of the patients as it would significantly benefit the local population to acquire regular opportunities to consult with specialists and receive appropriate medical attention.

He has also suggested conducting a thorough assessment of the medical needs and requirements to enable and determine the specific specialties and expertise required at the CHCs of North & Middle Andaman.

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