Health Advisory for COVID-19


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Port Blair, Jan 02:   A new variant of COVID-19 is spreading in some countries. The UT of A&N Islands has taken many measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 and there is no need to panic. The people can join hands to prevent the transmission of disease in the UT by adopting the following measures: 


  1. Do not panic.
  2. Don’t pay heed to rumors.  
  3. Wear mask in all crowded places including schools, colleges, hospitals, Markets, cinema etc.
  4. Wash your hands and face at regular intervals with soap and water or use alcohol based     sanitizer for cleaning hands. 
  5. Sneeze and cough either into your elbow or into tissue paper / handkerchief.    
  6. After coughing or sneezing dispose of the tissue paper/ wash your Handkerchief. 
  7. Ensure proper nutrition including fresh fruits, vegetables & plenty of fluids and exercise to boost immunity. 
  8. Clean the frequently touched surfaces with disinfectant regularly.
  9. Those who have symptoms of fever, body ache, sore throat, abdominal  discomfort or any other untoward symptoms, isolate yourself at home for  about 7 days and seek  medical advice. They must initiate symptomatic treatment at the earliest to prevent any complications.


  1. Do not cough or sneeze into your bare hands or without covering your face. 
  2. Don’t go near your contacts if you are suffering from fever and cough. 
  3. Don’t touch your eyes, face, nose and tongue. 
  4. Don’t go near affected/ sick people.
  5. Don’t self-medicate. 
  6.  Don’t go to crowded places like parks, markets and religious places. 
  7. Don’t go out unless it is absolutely essential.

   The A & N Administration is fully prepared to tackle any untoward situation. No need to panic.”Stay Healthy and Stay Safe”

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